This UROV has a length of 11 meters, a payload capacity of up to 2 tons, a maximum cruising range of 400 km, and 50+ knots top speed. It is equipped with a day/night Electro-Optical (E/O) system, national encrypted communication infrastructure, and Anti – jamming GNSS infrastructure. Manufactured from advanced composite materials , UROV is equipped with passive and active stabilization systems, a damage control system, a telescopic mast and an antenna system to increase detection & identification capabilities, a navigation and surveillance radar system to track surface targets, as well as a laser and IR-guided weapon systems.It can be operated from mobile ground control stations, military headquarters, Command centers or naval platforms such as aircraft carriers and frigates to carry out missions such as Reconnaissance, Surveillance & Intelligence, Anti-Surface Warfare (ASuW), Asymmetric Warfare, Armed Escort & Force Protection, and Strategic Facility Security.